Harbour Revision Orders


The body known as the Gloucester Harbour Trustees was originally constituted as a Trust Port in 1890.  Since then additional powers have been granted under general legislation such as the Harbours Act 1964 and the Pilotage Act 1987 and a number of specific local acts known as harbour revision orders. 

The most recent of these were made in 1994 and 2002 and can be accessed via the links below.

1994: The 1994 Order re-enacted the provisions of earlier Orders relating to the constitution of the Gloucester Harbour Trustees. It also substituted new provisions respecting the constitution and proceedings of the Trustees in place of provisions of the Commissioners Clauses Act 1847.

In addition the Order conferred new general powers upon the Trustees and new powers to—

(a) provide navigation aids;

(b) remove obstructions to navigation and require the repair of landing places etc;

(c) issue general and special directions to vessels;

(d) make byelaws;

(e) license works and dredging. Provision is also made in the Order imposing particular obligations in relation to tidal works belonging to the Trustees.

2002: The 2002 Order altered the constitution of the Gloucester Harbour Trustees.

The new constitution provides for a body of 10 trustees of whom nine are to be appointed by the Trustees. The remaining trustee is to be the principal operational officer thereby securing executive representation on the Trustees. Provision is included to enable a gradual transition to the new appointment arrangements. The Order also makes provision to govern the selection and terms of appointment of trustees and the manner in which they are to conduct business.

The Order also extended the seaward limits of the harbour and repeals ancient legislation relating to the River Wye.